Last time I checked in, I was all fired up to do a triathlon. My training varried- some days filling me with confidence that I could accomplish the task I set out for myself. Other days I had more of a "what the heck did I get myself into" attitude. I finally decided that I would do the swimming and biking portions this year and have a friend run for me. That was definately something I could manage, even on the days I doubted myself. Then I found out that the triathlon had been sold out. On some levels I was relieved- I didn't have to worry about failure, but on another I was disappointed. Would I ever find out if I could master the triathlon? Next year - its on.

In the mean time, I was given another challenge- the
Warrior Dash. A little over3 miles of running up a mountain, and crazy obstacles which included climbing over junkyard cars, over bales of hay, crawling through a mud pit with barbed wire overhead, cargo nets, tunnels, and fire. Looking at the pictures on the website I thought it was insane- and people that i told about it though that's exactly what I was- me and the two other friends that were becoming warriors with me. With just over three weeks to train I hit the gym pretty hard - working out morning and night when possible and running up hills outside. I even stopped at a playground one night to climb around, but then thought I might fall and break my neck, so I stopped and came home.

The day of the race we were up ridiculously early, with my "coach" aka Hubby by my side to make sure I was hydrated - water, naked juice, and a supplemental energy drink...all before 10:00am. Needless to say I made several trips to the restroom while we waited for our turn.

Then with costumes on and faces painted, we joined the other 200+ people at the starting line and we were off and running. Before the race, the three of us agreed that we would stick together - if one person needed to walk, we all walked and at 9,700 feet there was a lot of walking. Some of the obstacles were harder than others, but none of it was impossible. We finished the race covered in mud, but with a feeling of accomplishment. We took on the mountain....challenged ourselves....and succeeded. We immediately began planning for next year - and next year the boys will join us too. My goal for next year is to have a better costume and a better finish. It was good first attempt, but I know I've got more a gas in the tank.
I may not be able to say I'm a triathlete yet, but I can say, with conviction, I AM A WARRIOR!
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